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So you have arrived, found accommodation that you will stay in long term, checked in with the local authority? Now it is time to convert your visa to a residence permit! (If you don't know which permit you need/can get, check the aforementioned page!)

I live in Hannover!
The documents and procedures are usually similar across Germany. Luckily, region of Hannover has an online booking and information system for their Immigration Authority. You can follow the link here (You will see the English version when you scroll down)

We offer
What to do first?

  • Usually (not always!) after you check in with the local authorities, within six months, Ausländerbehörde (Immigration Office) contacts you via snail mail.
  • However, we recommend that you be proactive and contact them ASAP after you are done with accommodation and registration.

Zentrale Ausländerbehörde Landesverwaltungsamt (Saarbrücken, St. Ingbert etc.):
Dilinger Str. 67, 66822 Lebach
Phone: +49 681 501 00

  • In your email, please mention the following to avoid emailing back and forth, as the reply from the Immigration Office might take some time:
  • Your name and date of birth
  • The reason you have come to Germany and how long you plan to stay clearly stated
  • Proof of registration to the local authority (Meldebescheinigung)
  • Your passport and the page of D type visa page (if you have it) attached and the date your visa expires.

We offer
What happens after I contact them?

  • Afterwards, you will receive an email from a person that's assigned to you, and will be requested to fill a form and bring the documents and the amount of money listed in the reply email. Your appointment details (time, date, place) will also be there along with a four digit number.
  • The email reply could be in German, even if you have written in English. In that case, do not hesitate to ask for help!
  • The documents requested could be as follows, however always pay attention to your individual email, as documents might differ for each case!
  • Click here for a (sample) list of documents

    Nationalpass → Passport
    Aktuelles biometrisches Foto → Most recent biometric photo (usually taken within the last six months)
    Immatrikulationsbescheinigung → Student certificate
    Mietvertrag → Rental contract
    Nachweis über Sicherstellung des Lebensunterhalts → Proof of securing livelihood - could be your contract that shows your salary, or could be your bank statement etc.
    Nachweis Krankenversicherung → Proof of health insurance
    Beigefügten Antrag, vollständig ausgefüllt und unterschreiben → Attached form, filled and signed

We expect you
How do I get there and what do I do once I arrive?

  • The Immigration Office is not in Saarbrücken. However, you can take the tram from Saarbrücken, and get off at the station Lebach-Jabach. You can use to check out the public transportation.
  • When you arrive, there could be a queue in front of the building. It is advised to print out your appointment indicating email. When you enter the building, you will be forwarded to one of the machines in the waiting room. There you can enter the four digit number you have received in the email, and be placed in a queue.
  • There is a monitor in the waiting room which displays the four digit number and the number of a room. In case you are not sure where the room could be, the staff there will be able to help you.

After the appointment...

After your appointment is over, it might take up to 5 weeks to receive your residence card. You will be given another appointment to pick it up (either on site, or via email). Don't forget to send a scan of your new residence card to Human Resources Department. Sometimes (e.g. if your entry visa is about to expire), you could be given a "Fiktionsbescheinigung" while you wait for your new card, along with a confirmation. Please send a copy of them to our HR Department as well.

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