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Permanent residence in Germany can be obtained if you fulfill certain criteria. However, here we will cover only a couple of them that could be relevant if you plan to work at CISPA.

For more information regarding permanent residence/settlement permit, please check the website content prepared by the Federal Government of Germany, here

Here are some of the various cases regarding acquiring the settlement permit:

The CISPA Ecosystem
You have a Blue Card

  • You have worked (employed in a qualified job) and paid at least 33 months of mandatory or voluntary contributions to the statutory pensions fund.
  • You can prove that you speak a basic level of German (A1)
  • You have adaquate living space for yourself and your family
  • You have basic knowledge of the legal and social order in Germany. This can be proved by way of passing the "Life in Germany" test.
  • Bonus: If you can prove you speak at least B1 level of German, you can obtain your settlement permit in 21 months instead.

We offer
You have been working in Germany with a Research Residence Permit

  • You have been living with this permit in Germany, for at least four years
  • You are able to cover your living costs by yourself
  • You have paid at least 48 months of mandatory or voluntary contributions to the statutory pensions fund.
  • You are employed in a job that fits your qualifications.
  • You know at least B1 German, and have basic knowledge of legal and social order in Germany. This can be proved by passing the Life in Germany test as well.
  • You have enough living space for yourself and your family.

We offer
You have completed your MSc or BSc in Germany and have been working already:

  • After you completed your studies, you obtained and held a residence permit to work/research (not a student visa) in Germany for at least 2 years.
  • You are employed in a job that fits your qualifications.
  • You have paid at least 24 months of mandatory or voluntary contributions to the statutory pensions fund.
  • You know at least B1 German, and have basic knowledge of legal and social order in Germany. This can be proved by passing the Life in Germany test as well.
  • You have enough living space for yourself and your family.

We offer
You are a highly qualified professional (Usually for faculty members)

  • There are times where you can be granted a settlement permit without having to spend a certain amount of time in Germany (If you are a scientist with special technical knowledge or a teacher in a high level position, such as a faculty member etc.) in accordance with Section 18c (3) AufenthG (German Residence Act)
  • You must be able to provide proof of academical training
  • It must be correct to assume that you can integrate into the German way of life and that your living costs will be covered without having to use public funds
  • Contact your local embassy or immigration authority to inquire about the exact required documents, as it can vary depending on each case.

ⓘ If you know now in which way you want to acquire your settlement permit, you can apply to the local Immigration Authority. They will inform you regarding the exact documents required!

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