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Rules and punctuality are important: Germans are famous for following and respecting the rules and the code of conduct. It is as simple as crossing the road only after the light turns green, or having the back and front light ready when you are about to bike. You might have to pay some fines if you break the rules. Other than respecting the rules, punctuality is another German etiquette that should be followed. Traffic will be no excuse to be late. So, let these two things as the part of your visit in Germany become the lessons you can adapt and apply after your visit!

Bread: Each region of Germany has its own variety and specialty of bread, ranging from light wheat breads in the south to the dark, heavy breads in the north. Different techniques and ingredients are used for bread making all over the country. So, bread is more than just a part of a German meal; it is a part of the German culture.

No shopping on Sunday: You can go shopping in Germany everyday except Sunday. This opening hours law has been around for a very long time. Shops, supermarkets and even pharmacies (except the emergency pharmacies) are closed on Sunday. German people are very strict about no Sunday shopping rule. The main consideration is for workers to have at least one day to rest. So just make sure that you fulfill your needs on Saturday.

If you need more ...
In case you would like to know more about living and working in Germany, please take a look at the following links:

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