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This page (and any page that contains information regarding residence permit and visa) just serves as an info point about the general information regarding this type of residence permit. Fulfilling the requirements (which could be subject to change) does not automatically guarantee you will acquire this permit, as the authorities have the right to ask for/demand more documents and/or information from each individual applicant during the process.

We offer
At a glance:

Also known as just Blue Card, Blaue Karte, EU Blaue Karte. It is a type of residence permit granted according to Section 18g of German Residence Act. You could apply for it under the following conditions:

  • You have a German degree, a recognised foreign higher education degree or you have a foreign higher education degree that is comparable to a German one.
  • You already have a concrete job offer from a company in Germany.
  • The position must be appropriate for someone with your qualifications (higher education degree).
  • The position in Germany must be remunerated with a gross annual income of at least €45,300 (as of 2024). A gross annual income of at least €41,041.80 (as of 2024) is required for employees in the fields of mathematics, IT, natural sciences, engineering and human medicine. In such cases, the German Federal Employment Agency must approve your request for employment.

We offer
So what is it, but in detail?

  • It is usually issued for the duration of your work contract + 3 months, and is initially limited to a four-year period.
  • It can be extended, if certain requirements are fulfilled.
  • If you change your job within the first two years, local Immigration Office must approve of it.

We expect you
Blue Card and Settlement Permit (AKA "Permanent Residence")

  • If you held your Blue Card at least for 33 months, you may be elligible for a settlement permit. (At least A1 level German is required).
  • If you can prove you speak at least B1 level German in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), you may obtain it after 21 months.
  • These only apply if you have been working during the duration of your Blue Card and paying your contributions to the pension scheme.

Blue Card and Family
Holders of EU Blue Card are free to bring their family (children, spouse) to Germany, but of course within the regulations. You can read about it on our Residence permit for partner/spouse/children section.

ⓘ Information source: Make it in Germany. (n.d.). EU Blue Card. Working in Germany: The Official Website for Qualified Professionals. Retrieved February 21, 2024, from here.

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