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Disclaimer This is just a general information regarding some of the social insurance funds, and is in no way legal information or advice.

Health Insurance
Please continue here for information regarding health insurance in Germany.

Statutory Pension Scheme
The statutory pension insurance is part of the social security system, which serves in particular to provide for the retirement of employees. Employees subject to social security contributions automatically pay part of their income into the pension insurance scheme. The compulsory contribution for is paid in equal parts by the employee and the employer, in this case by CISPA.
All employees and further groups, such as students, trainees and apprentices are liable to contribute to statutory pension funds. If certain periods and preconditions are fulfilled, claims may be asserted to receive retirement pensions, pensions for those with a reduced earning capacity, or survivor's pensions for widows and orphans.
In Germany, the age limit for retirement is currently between 65 and 67. Anyone born in 1964 or later will not be able to retire until age 67 without having their pension reduced.

Please note This overview is not complete regarding all statutory wage replacement benefits in Germany. For more information and advice, you can contact the Arbeitskammer in Saarbrücken.

Unemployment Insurance
Contribution to the unemployment insurance funds is mandatory in Germany for those employees who are liable to contribute to statutory social insurance in general. If certain periods and preconditions are fulfilled, the "Arbeitslosengeld 1" (the unemployment wage) can be claimed for a limited period (between 6 and 24 months).

The amount is:

–60% of your recent net earnings (if you don't have any children)
–If you have children, you are entitled to "Kindergeld" (lit. Child money), which makes the unemployment wage 67% of your recent net earnings. Employees subject to social security contributions automatically pay part of their income into the pension insurance scheme. The compulsory contribution is paid in equal parts by the employee and the employer, in this case by CISPA.

Statutory Accident Insurance
This insurance covers health risks for accidents at work, work-related diseases and as a further intention aims to prevent all work-related health risks. Contribution to this social insurance fund has to be paid by CISPA as your employer.

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